Friday, January 6, 2012

Real Life Episodes in Vaping

It is not unusual to see one person vape or one person berate you for some untrue and mythical quote straight out of FDA "facts".

But to have three in one day is a beautiful thing, so much that I gave one of the three a new Boge atty and a charged 650 mah battery and told him about Route 66, our local vapor who seems to delight in kiosk rebuking. 

The first was at work, a new hire who was just gawking at my joy ego.  I talked to him and sent him to one of three online sites that we will talk about in the morning. Wanted to know what a Pearveeriw was sic).  Suggested to start with a different mod and we'll go over options.  Beginning to feel like an AA sponsor.

The second was a good Samaritan using her Iphone to locate the class that they had changed room numbers today.  Nothing like being 30 minutes for your first class.  We were sitting on the steps outside one of the buildings (my Blackberry won't work on their email.  I pulled out my ego-T and she said, where did you get that, all I ever use comes from a convenience store or Walgreens.  I had an extra tank and tip and gave here that to puff on while she looked up the unforsaken hall- which turned out to be 2 minutes across the street, but 20 minutes because there is a fence that runs 2 miles to keep the students from Jay Walking.Suggested three websites, which she googled on her Iphone and bought a Halo kit for 70 dollars less than the equivalent in the kiosk.

Best of all as I was walking to my class, I was puffing on the ego-T and a University Policeman stopped me and told me to put the cigarette out (College has select smoking areas that seem to be placed near dumpsters and the like).  I told him it was not smoke but vapor and that it was free of the toxic levels of carcinogens.  I told him I could put it away, but not out. He started asking me what they were and pulled out a Marlboro Red ( the benefit of being a King you know).  I t0ld him to try an e-cig, and gave him joy ego and one of my new cartos.  I had Papa Smurf and Home made green tea.  He was impressed and offered me a ride across campus- really one mile down and one mile back by fence. I left the ego, my ice tea DIY and the atty by mistake in his campus cop car.  He was right there in front of the building my class was in to return it with 1/2 the juice gone.  Told him about a couple places, but to keep the atty and battery,  Told him to check out route 66 and that I was here Tuesdays and Thursdays.  10 to one he will be there to return them.  Wanted some more of the ice tea and if 20 was enough for a 15 ml bottle. I told him 5 ml for 3, and I'd bring him a couple flavors some time.  He looked like the cat that had eaten the canary.

I wasn't late for class anyway- they moved it back 45 minutes.

Nice feeling to meet vapors spontaneously.  He also said they were thinking of banning the hiring of smokers at the Hospital where he moonlights.

I don't think he will be very active against vapors.

I just feel blessed and inspired.  Nice day to all I hope and keep your eye on CASAA!

Now if I could just get the Major of Indianapolis to cooperate......


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