Monday, August 22, 2011


One of the greatest victories in science is when your competition can't do anything but recant ancient studies as their only means of validating their point.  If I here the words:

  1. Diethyl Glycol
  2. Trace cancer causing agents.
  3. We don't know how safe they are.
  4. There are already nicotine replacement therapies for those who want to quit.
  5. Chantix.
  6. They need to be pulled of the market until we know they are safe.
  7. Mights, possiblies, maybes and coulds.
in any article, paper, newsprint or health reporter's babblings- to word it lightly- I
will be using a large portion of their Cloud to respond.


There I said it, may the tobacco temperance league choke on that line.  I enjoy vaping.  I enjoyed smoking. I  am not planning on quitting.  E-cigs were destigned to replace tobacco, not help me quit.

So give it up.  If I have to I'll grow it myself (lived in N.C. it isn't that hard) and extract the nicotine myself (I wonder if they will spray my land with Paraquat or will I come up on the Power Company, "he's using too much power, must be growing something" list).

Right now there is a wonderful thing happening in vaping, there are organizations like the newly formed ATACA in Australia, CASAA in the USA and EUUC EK in Great Britain.  These groups are the grassroots defenders of our freedom to use less toxic nicotine products. I was humbled and speechless sitting on a Skype call listening to their words, knowledge and bravery.

I listened to an ABC local broadcast on Vaping may be more dangerous than smoking.  The only factual statement in the entire story was the Diethyl Glycol in one of 18 bottles of e-juice tested.  All the experts said maybe's, could's, presumably and might be less safe. In that story they covered a woman whose Dr. had convinced a 1 year cigarette free vaper to toss out here equipment.  If and when she smokes again the coffin nails were fashioned by ABC, her M.D. and the star health reporter.

With e-cigarettes, they don't kill- not one single death related to them.  Minds that work this way kill.  They look to ban them: completely, through bias and coverage obscura.

Ban e cigarettes as the chart at right predicts- 500 people who have to go back to the "safe alternative", smoking, will die daily.  Journalistic murdering spinners of their anti-nicotine bias must get free lunches from the mortuary lobby.

And most experts will tell you nicotine is NOT the problem.  It may not be the true alkaloid in tobacco that causes the prolonged withdrawal.  That constant line about what is in e-cigs (PG, VG, Nicotine, flavouurng and water).  Can you tell me what is in tobacco smoke- 60 known carcinogens and 4000 other chemicals.  At least the one's in e-juice are FDA approved individually.

William Osler, MD who founded modern medicine emphatically stated, "of all else, at first do no harm."

That was 150 years ago.  How much we have progressed.

And a special thanks for the magnificent recent Ashtray Blog of James Dunworth and his pictorial of the proposed global cigarette labeling changes.    Look it up- it is real journalism.

So keep on being informed about the 1 of 18 samples with DEG below the federal toxicity level.  That's the Echolalia of the anti's.  Echolalia, a disorder where you here the same sound repeatedly. 


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